The Lucas Area Community Theater had their annual Quilt Show on July 22-24, 2014. The theme was "Samplers and Appliques". There were around 35 quilts displayed on stage, in the back community room, and in the auditorium. Also some nice embroidered framed pieces were on exhibit. Some of the quilt artists were LeAnn Herold, Sarah Brown, Geraldine Parker, Rose Boland, Lois Cooper, and several old and new friendships quilts made locally.
Lynn Schneider did some demonstrations showing some quick quilt piecing techniques. Several were interested in taking some classes this fall and winter.
Marissa Bland played a variety of songs on the piano on July 22nd for several ladies and gentleman. James Merchant joined her as he sang along with her music.
The Lucas Area Community Theater will not have a quilt show in 2015. It has been decided to wait until March of 2016 to exhibit the quilts in the winter, hopefully it will draw a better attendance in cooler weather. Watch for classes in quilting during 2015.